The Symposium will take place in hotel Metropol, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia. Please find more information about how to reach us at the symposium web site
More information about hotel Metropol, Ohrid is available on ISAF 2022 participants are advised to book their accommodation in the hotels listed on ISAF 2022 web site as hotels in short distance from the Symposium venue and at special price rates provided only for the participants. The prices per person in hotel Metropol and hotel Bellevue, both ranked as four stars hotels are:
Accommodation rates: Single 1/1 Double 1/2
Half Board (HB) 51€ 37€
Full Board (FB) 56€ 42€
Please note that for the participants arriving in Skopje and accommodated in the above-mentioned hotels, transportation to Ohrid will be organized by the ISAF 2022 organizers. For booking an accommodation in the symposium hotels, and for organizing your transportation to Ohrid, do not forget to provide your travel arrangements your Personal Account on, not later than October 3, 2022.
For all who would like to follow the ISAF 2022 events online, please feel free to join on the following link
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